Muzafar has just returned from another fantastic Refugee Alternatives Conference. Congratulations to the Refugee Council of Australia for once again putting on such a vibrant and engaging event. Below is Muzafar speaking on SBS.
DVD's Available
At the conference, and due to popular demand, we launched a DVD version of The Staging Post. Seen here with the delightful Indi! The DVD includes a beautiful 16 page booklet with the story behind the school and the film. Please go to to purchase. You can buy it with or without a digital download.
(PS. Don’t be afraid of the digital! You can always email us and we’ll help you if you have any questions.)

There are a few other places you can now purchase the film too. On Amazon here, From The Education Shop here, and those with university affiliation can watch it for free on Kanopy.All proceeds go towards filming the second episode.
Filming has started
Khadim has just returned from Texas where he filmed the magnificent Fatima. Remember her? You can see a short clip below, but we can’t wait to share the whole story as part of our next film.
Want to help us along? You can make Tax-Deductible donations through the Documentary Australia Foundation.
Love to you all and thank you for being on this journey with us. This is just the beginning.
From the whole Cisarua Learning and Staging Post crew.