CRLC's 4th year anniversary
I recently spent two weeks at the CRLC and was lucky enough to catch their 4th year anniversary performance.
It was an exciting day and, even though the performance was not until 3pm, the kids started arriving early in the morning to help prepare. The performance included traditional Afghan and Hazara dances and costumes, and Hazarghi songs about women in Afghanistan. In an reflection of their ‘in-between’ status they also performed ‘robot dances’, girls danced and sang along to American pop songs and there were ‘beatbox-ing’ demonstrations! One impressive mother, who could barely speak English 18 months ago, stood up and made a speech about human rights which she had written herself.
As I was filming I spent a lot of time thinking about the two small rooms where the refugee women started teaching 4 years ago. How little they knew, and the small pile of writing books and pens they had that first week. And the joy when Lucy Hamilton came with 50 kgs of books.
It’s hard to describe how far they have come in words. The images and video below capture it best. Make sure you click through to see all the photos.
Unfortunately the situation in Afghanistan is continuing to deteriorate with the Taliban nearly taking over Ghazni City two weeks ago (where many of our students and teachers come from) and also 48 Hazara students being killed while taking exams in Kabul. The symbolism of Hazara children being killed trying to get an education was a stark reminder for me, and the community, on why they have taken such a difficult journey with its unknown future.
Before the celebrations there was a one minute silence, and that evening a candlelight vigil was held on the school grounds.
Thank you, as always, for all your support for this special, special initiative.
Love Jolyon
CRLC 4th Anniversary.In memory of those who lost their lives in Ghazni and Kabul